Emergency Lighting Inverter System Maintenance

How Do I Maintain and Service My Lighting Inverter System?

To properly ensure the operation and extend the life of your lighting inverter system, annual service should be performed on both the lighting inverter components, as well as it’s full battery system. Inverters are an intricate combination of electrical components and batteries which provide Emergency Life Safety operation. It is critical that systems are tested not only for failed components, but also the performance and operation of the system.

Emergency lighting systems must work optimally in case the power goes out from natural disasters, emergencies, accidents, and other issues. Periodically, these systems need maintenance to ensure every component works efficiently. Lighting inverters convert the DC power from backup batteries to AC power for the lighting system. If the lighting inverter fails, it could cause the emergency lighting system to not work quickly when losing power.

Lighting Inverter System Maintenance

Central Lighting Inverter maintenance is an integral part of a system lifecycle. Due to the criticality of system operation, the high voltage internal buses, it must be performed by a Qualified Professional. Typically performed by an Uninterruptible Power System Technician such as those provided at FGC Services. The internal makeup of a Lighting Inverter system is very much similar to the makeup of a (UPS) Uninterruptible Power System. It has inverter components, electronics, battery bus, and battery string all interconnected.

Benefits of Lighting Inverter Systems

Long Term Maintenance Savings

A lighting inverter can control lights throughout the building while being located in a single centralized location. The inverter can also provide power to several different types of lighting systems, including LEDs, due to offering pure sine wave output. When it comes to maintenance, workers can test and perform repairs at the central location instead of going to each individual mounted lighting unit to use the push-to-test feature. This advantage helps save time and manpower, making testing and repairs simpler.

The backup batteries to power the lights are all located in one cabinet that is connected to the inverters. When a battery needs to be replaced, it can be done more easily versus having to go to each individual lighting system.

Automating Critical Requirements

After learning how to choose a size lighting inverter for your emergency lighting system, you are now able to automate all the lights in the building. This factor ensures that your lighting system stays in compliance with all safety standards  requiring lighting to provide illumination bright enough for people to see emergency exit signage and make their way to exit doors. The inverters also turn on the emergency lights immediately and ensure that they provide a minimum of 90 minutes of illumination.

Certain advanced inverter systems also automate the testing and reporting process. The inverters will keep logs that can be easily accessed by the fire marshals and other safety authorities. These logs can ensure that systems are being tested periodically according to set schedules.

Foolproof Installation

After sizing a lighting inverter, qualified professional installers can quickly install and set up the system based on manufacturing specifications and instructions. They will connect the inverters to both the backup batteries located in the centralized cabinet and to all internal and external emergency lighting systems within the building.

If there is an issue with any of the wiring, the inverter system will not operate during the start-up diagnostics. These features ensure that all lighting will be operational and that both the emergency lighting and the backup batteries are protected from damage that may be caused by wiring mishaps.

Annual or Semi-Annual Maintenance of Central Lighting Inverters

For a critical system that houses sensitive electrical components and batteries, the system can be directly affected by it’s surrounding environment. Unlike UPS systems, Lighting Inverters are usually installed in an electrical room, basement, or small area which is not environmentally controlled. For these reasons, many factors can affect components, and should persuade managers to perform at least annual, if not semi-annual maintenance on the systems.

Factors Affecting Central Lighting Inverter Operations


Usually installed in “Facility” or “Electrical Room” environments, Lighting Inverters may not always be located in a temperature-controlled area. High temperatures quickly degrade batteries, contribute to electronic component shorting/failure, and affect the runtime (operational duration) of a battery under “high-heat” conditions.

Thermal runaway or just long periods of high heat affect a lighting inverter negatively. A regular load test on the batteries should be performed to ensure the operation of the lighting inverter system per Life Safety code requirements.


Again, usually installed in “Facility” or “Electrical Room” environments, Lighting Inverters may not always be located in a humidity-controlled environment. If the Inverter system has a Nema 1 type enclosure, it will be exposed to the moisture in the room. This will degrade and affect the electrical components and potential operation of the system. Nema 3R enclosures are available but costly.

Most installations are Nema 1 enclosures located inside the facility. Therefore regular cleaning, testing and maintenance is recommended.


Also, usually installed in “Facility” or “Electrical Room” environments, Lighting Inverters may not always be located in a dust-free environment. If the Lighting Inverter has a Nema 1 type enclosure, it will be exposed to all aspects of dust in the room.

This will degrade and affect the electrical components and potential operation of the system. Regular cleaning and check of fans and filters is recommended.

Central Lighting Inverter Battery Replacements

A Central Lighting Inverter System battery string is usually made up of Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries (VRLA). A Central System will contain strings of 12 volt batteries, these strings will float the voltage at 380VDC or 480VDC with 30 or 40 battery cells. Therefore, a qualified trained battery technician is required to test the batteries in the lighting inverter system. Since a VRLA or AGM batteries have a typical life of 36-60 months depending on it’s environment and use, the batteries should be maintained by performing an annual load test on each battery. Single, faulty batteries inside a string of good batteries can degrade and pull the float voltage of the entire string down causing premature failure of the whole string. Therefore, identification of the faulty cell is paramount to avoid premature battery string replacements. In general, it is advised to have annual PM’s performed on the lighting inverter battery strings, if not semi-annual.

Lighting Inverter Service Checklist

  • Load Assessment / Inverter Sizing
  • Inverter Voltage / Amperage
  • Future Load Growth
  • Inverter Battery Runtime Requirement
  • Choice of battery system: VRLA, Lithium-Ion, Pure Lead
  • Inverter Redundancy Requirements

  • Site Electrical Capacity
  • Location Dimensions and Floor Load
  • Delivery and Rigging
  • Inverter Power Distribution to Loads
    (PDU or Electrical Panel Distribution)

  • (MOP) Method of Procedure for Installation
  • (MOP) Method of Procedure for
    Cutover of Loads
  • Advisory of Installing Electrician
  • Cooperation of Startup and Install Event

  • Inverter Startup
  • Operations Training / Software Setup
  • Ongoing Maintenance Contract
  • Emergency Service Contact
  • Load Assessment / Inverter Sizing
  • Inverter Voltage / Amperage
  • Future Load Growth
  • Inverter Battery Runtime Requirement
  • Choice of battery system: VRLA, Lithium-Ion, Pure Lead
  • Inverter Redundancy Requirements

  • (MOP) Method of Procedure for Installation
  • (MOP) Method of Procedure for
    Cutover of Loads
  • Advisory of Installing Electrician
  • Cooperation of Startup and Install Event
  • Site Electrical Capacity
  • Location Dimensions and Floor Load
  • Delivery and Rigging
  • Inverter Power Distribution to Loads
    (PDU or Electrical Panel Distribution)

  • Inverter Startup
  • Operations Training / Software Setup
  • Ongoing Maintenance Contract
  • Emergency Service Contact
  • PLAN | Expert Review & Recommendations

    Members of our team are available to assist in the Inverter system selection process. You may provide a list of equipment to us. You may need a walkthrough with an Electrical contact either provided by us or your own. We will assist every step of the way. Inverter sizing review, Inverter voltage selection, Inverter Battery Runtime options are all important variables in the selection process. Proper documentation of Inverter System manuals and technical information are an integral part of the process so that the installation technician or contractor can properly plan and estimate the project.

  • RUNTIME | Inverter System Battery Options

    A common misconception is that the battery runtime is associated with the size of the Inverter System. The runtime of an Inverter system is directly correlated to the size of the battery system designed to the Inverter system. Our team will assist in designing the proper battery system for your runtime requirements. We will discuss Inverter battery redundancy as well as the length of time to support your loads at the desired load level. Recent Lithium-Ion Battery systems for Central Inverter Systems are available in customized battery plants. VRLA traditional battery strings sized with central inverter are typical installation.

  • Inverter Turn-Key Installation Options

    Should you wish to outsource your project as a turn-key process. Our team can manage the entire installation of the Inverter System to startup. Our team can work with your internal teams or approved electricians. We also may provide our own preferred contractors to estimate the installation. Our team will estimate the rigging, electrical, site restrictions and all the variables around putting the properly sized system into your facility. This proposal will include everything to Inverter Startup.

  • Worry-Free Monitoring

    Once your new Inverter system is up and running our team will provide options for ongoing monitoring and maintenance service. A proper monitoring platform that will provide notifications of issues with your Inverter and Battery System is the best prevention of downtime situations. A smart mix of ongoing maintenance and monitoring will provide the best operation of your Inverter system for years to come! New Lithium Ion systems provide comprehensive monitoring options. Ask your representative.

Why Work with Lighting Inverter Systems?

Lighting Inverter Systems provides single-phase and three-phase inverters for a wide range of commercial industries including schools, apartment complexes, medical facilities, hotels, restaurants, and retail stores. We can show you how to choose a size lighting inverter as well as provide maintenance service plans that fit into your operations and budget. Contact us today to learn more about our lighting inverter systems.

Single Source Lighting Inverter Provider

Expert assistance from Technical Consultants assist in the selection process of your next Inverter System. Our team is available for Technical Review of specifications, Sizing assistance, Voltage selection, and Runtime Calculations.

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